
Warehouse job is killing me reddit

Warehouse job is killing me reddit. im not sure if you live in a small city with not many places to work or a big city with lots of places but sometimes you have to get really creative and think about places you never would Hi everyone, been an Amazon delivery driver for almost 6 months now and I can tell you this is a shit job, which will destroy your body from your posture to your knee and ankles. Jan 31, 2023 · An example of job crafting is scheduling your day in a way that allows you to get the most value from it. I can commiserate like you wouldn't believe. Office Job Is Killing Me Slowly I cannot comprehend working in an office until retirement. I can’t complete all 200 tickets at once even though I wish I could. Leads me to believe it might not be typical DOMS you'll get used to in a few weeks. 6 months into my job which i felt would finally make me happy , MAKES ME FEEL LIKE SHIT . And even with all this over time it feels like we're barely keeping up with the work I am stuck in a job that I hate and it's been so tough applying for other jobs while I'm at my current job. I work in a warehouse currently but started off doing hardware repair, now doing odd jobs like packing hardware, inspecting new hardware, etc. 19K subscribers in the hatemyjob community. Im suspecting my mangers are being sexist towards me. ) Heya! I just finished my first full week at a warehouse picking + packing job. I do repetitive and physically demanding work for eight to ten hours depending on schedules of trucks, yes getting a great workout but the monontony of the task leave my mind to wander to self hate for not finishing my degree and being a grunt worker while also analyzing my worst qualities and fails in life to an extreme I'm trying to get my mental health back to what and who I was but shit it Those warehouse Jobs do sound horrendous and honestly I quote my very first job as an 18 year old due to anxiety after a few days. Yes I used to hate standing all day at a warehouse then I took an office job it’s killing my motivation it’s making me feel like a couch potatoe just sitting it’s very mundane. 3 months as a Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. In my current job , i dread going to work almost everyday . If you have good organizational skills and can drive a dam forktruck a lot of places depending where you are will pay 20-25 and do that till you back is strong enough. I'm a manager at an Amazon warehouse. The horror stories you hear about Amazon warehouse jobs aren't true for the vast majority of locations, but it is mindnumbingly boring work and hard on your feet & legs. Honestly they could pay me $30 an hour and I probably wouldn't go back for more than a couple months. I've been looking for a new job for 6 months and I haven't gotten anything. There's such a perceived stigma with changing jobs "too quickly" that I've stuck it out longer than I should have at some of the bad This is the 5th week in a row they've asked us to come in for a mandatory OT shift on a Saturday. Having worked in multiple warehouses, I have made a few observations as to why this might be the case. I have been a house painter for 17 years and I ran my own business for 7 of those years I ended shutting my business down because of staffing issues mainly unreliable staff which ment I would over commit myself and end up making good for my clients. This is a team of 5, including myself. I agree with the other person about the exercise ball that’s helpful too applying to two different jobs is not crazy at all. The management team is disorganised and expects you to just know what to do & there is no structure for development and progression. I try my best but I just can't do what they need me to do. Tips, tidbits, pics, stories and vitriol about the jobs we hate and the ways to deal with them. At this point, I don’t even know what I’m doing and a customer tells me I messed up their transaction. They have some deal where you can raise it and stand. I think this is a common frustration at call centers. My consistent chest pain makes it hard to breath and even move normally. We also have a rotating on call schedule, so if you get selected, say goodbye to a stress free evening after a long day of work. It really feels worthless at the Don't aim for the sky, you aren't getting your dream job, but you might find one that does the trick. It's ten hours long but the work is actually fine. Applied to hundred jobs the summer after graduation. I quit halfway through my third year. So, if client conversations are what you enjoy most, you may choose to schedule them at Every position I've held at UPS was easier than my time in both an Amazon warehouse, and a furniture distribution center. I feel like I’m working day to day to just get through the job. The naive me of the past thought focusing on my research, with some networking on the side would get me a job after spending 6 extra years after undergrad. It's a lot better than communism , socialism or any other system thats part and parcel with a totalitarian government. It depends on the company, warehouse and the team. Pepsi is the only warehouse that I know of where you work til the job is done. This is my first "corporate" job, I say that loosely as it is my first non-warehouse job and it is an international company but each office works more like a small business. Cut unnecessary expenses and you eat at home on a budget until it's gone. I just took another call center job because the warehouse job I took wasn't for me, either. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks. I have recently moved to Beaumont from Houston hoping to do better and landed a job working in a warehouse. I have anxiety and depression, and seem to have been in and endless stream of very stressful jobs. Most sales positions or Delivery make better money than warehouse. After almost a year of meat brain and hyperventilating, I have 15+ angry customers in front of me, 20 or more in the drive through behind me, and this has been going on for about 2 hours now. For me, the way to avoid procrastinating the afternoon job is "rest hygiene" - I have lunch and watch a bit of TV, then midway through my mug of post-lunch tea, I start with a task for the afternoon job. I also list down a few potential solutions for this at the end of the article. I didn’t know any better and though that was normal. I have been unsuccessful in all aspects. Just this week there was an accident at one of our sister plants where a worker was run over by a forklift which may result in a double amputation. Between Covid-19 and finances, I need to ride it out longer. I've tried just directly applying to jobs, even trying out temp agencies and nothing. Hi all first post here, so I work in a very slow work environment in a warehouse. This is just not sustainable for me. They may not be eager to invest in that, but COVID has proven that a lot of jobs can be remote that weren’t previously considered to be remote jobs. Ive worked as a cook/dishwasher/sandwich maker and now I work for an awesome Software development company, but at the end of they day I can't look back at my desk and go "wow I did awesome today". I love the money I get for working 40+ hour weeks but the physical demand is killing me and I know I can't keep this up forever. It lead to 3 (now 4) pretty major depressive episodes in a year. People are brutal and will yell at me in my face that no one likes me, call me a bitch or tell me that everyone knows I'm crazy and bipolar. It took me about 6 years to get back to working a job,but i had to perform alot of therapy and fix my issues first. My current job gives me no support at all, I am overworked, there is no career growth for me, the expectations and demands are unrealistic even when I set realistic boundaries - I feel so alone and isolated. Spending 80% of my waking time on work I don't care about. Yes, ineffective management, incompetent coworkers, unfulfilling No job should be making anyone work over 40 hours unless given triple pay. Very repetitive work and really no real progression career wise. Get a good pair of shoes. Ok so it’s not actually killing me but it does feel like it. We work 45 hours a week to start and then another 9 hours on the weekend. and they see me like I have the golden ticket in life but nope. Same here. From my experience. I worked in a small warehouse for nearly 10 years, I’m now waiting to see if I’ll be getting disability because of the back surgery I ended up having because of being overworked. I'm sitting at a bar drowning out my sorrows after the two companies I had final rounds of interviews with turned me down. I’m 30 now, been working in an office for a few years and there is not one day where I wake up happy to go to work. Took me a while to learn that. It was easy enough to fix but I feel like I can't stop adding to the fucking ammunition against me. Got a few interviews but no offers other than retail. Today, I went into work just trying to keep my head down and do my job as best as possible. I will try to be patient about it trying to fight the good fight, but it’s not making it easy for me to want to stay. Haha I love all these comments like "try working in a warehouse, try working in construction". Since I joined the first day I have been applying to different jobs such customer service, data analysis and nhs jobs. I graduated in 2009 during the housing crisis. July 26, 2018, 12:53pm. This job has beaten me down emotionally and mentally, but I'm trapped at the moment. Even during my MBA I constantly had this feeling and i knew i was just meant to do so much more . They tell me I'm over reacting, I'm just exaggerating and it's all in my head. Many companies have pulled this off for jobs like yours. For warehouse positions I have applied online for the few companies that have warehouse not too far from me like Sysco, coca cola, maybe 2 random ones from zipcruiter, and unline. Wow, I feel like I’m looking into a mirror with this post! It’s so difficult when you have something so good on paper but find the reality is something else entirely, and sometimes it feels like it’s our own fault for not being able to “make the most” of it. Ask your colleagues what worked for them, and be prepared to shell out much more than $20 or so for your generic Payless work shoes. I wanna quit too but unemployment is an issue. Im self employed so its a bit easier,but i still have issues dealing with stress. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. It sucks. Only about a dozen workers in each of the two offices and everybody has a unique position, everybody basically reports to the owner, no real or enforced hierarchy. I find amazon facilities cleaner, and much less drab, but the full time + overtime was killing me worse than driving is currently trying to. Acting like i cant handle my job and excluding me from the team. Some are great, one told me I was not asking for enough when i gave salary requirements for a job and was responsible for me making considerably more than I thought I could. On the other hand, maybe see if the current company would allow you to work from home 2 or 3 days a week. I have two jobs, one (mornings) at an offsite office, and another (afternoons) at a home office. Im too tired to clean or cook, too exhausted to enjoy the little thingstoo depressed to see why it mattersOn paper Im doing everything right, but it feels like I'm trapped in a box running out of air. (But I also have a few mental issues holding me back. Second or new job. This was literally the way it went for me with my first help desk job. This job has given me way more stress and anxiety than any other job I've had previously. A stupid goddamn dime and she tried to tell me but I didn't hear or understand because I am so fucking dense. It is a job that involves a lot of manual labor, the hours are long (some nights I end up working 9, 10 sometimes even 11 hours. I was driving home and thought to myself “I hope that car on the other side of the highway turns into me and kills me so I don’t have to go to work tomorrow”. or getting offers for both jobs and then deciding not to go with either of them in favor of some third option you haven't begun to explore yet. I left many jobs because of mental health. At my job its drive, lift, walk, drive, lift, walk, etc, so i'm closer to 75 or so extra per hour. I took courses in both, and now after completing both, I'm yet again pivoting. And the director yells so loud its very triggering. The first three days, I was limping around after my shift. This is in a warehouse and my coworkers are absolutely insane, they do 7AM-630PM M-F and work Saturday 8-4. While in college I joined the National Guard and got discharged in 2018. After those three days, I started getting used to it. I'm a young female and had no intention of working in manual labour, the fact retail seems as close to manual labour as I ever expected is what throws me. Its a really simple job we move light product from the shelves to the pack station, but the long days, almost inescapable weekend shifts and low pay are killing me. Warehouse work can be incredibly dangerous. For me: It's the office job's inability to give me that feeling of fulfillment or accomplishment. I'd estimate you need an extra 100 cals/day, depending on how physical the job is - if its constant lifting, or if theres a lot of standing around waiting to lift. PES is a good department to join. Following my time at a UPS store, knowing that it's a job that asks a lot more of the employee than similarly low-paid full time jobs, and your doing your job incorrectly or subpar means it has consequences on the customer trusting you, adds a lot of stress, especially if this is your first time with this amount of responsibility. Rejections don't matter. EDIT: Just got back from my shift. But if finding warehouses or construction comapmies that are even in my area to apply to wasn't already hard enough, how can I get past the application level. I knew it wasn't for me so I ended quitting my job and I traveled for 6 months trying to figure things out. i’m pretty sure i’ve applied to over 200 jobs since last year and a part of me wishes i didn’t take up this warehouse job which I’m pretty sure is making me develop carpal tunnel but i had to get the fuck out of my shitty job before. My last job I was effectively doing the job of 4 people, covering for staff who left under a regime that didn't allow any backfilling. Nov 5, 2018 · It’s common to hear people complain that their job is “killing” them or claim that the drudgery of their jobs “sucks the lifeblood” out of them, leaving them exhausted, depressed, and lethargic Jul 26, 2018 · By Anna Goldfarb. I'm going on six months out of college with a computer science degree and I haven't even gotten close to a good job. So, now I am seriously considering looking for an entry-level data entry job or something clerical. The job search is killing me. It is physically demanding when we get orders, but with a really good crew we do alright and get our work done fast. Warehouse in my area has really struggled to get decent raises because upper management says we make more money than other people who do the same job at other companies. My advice would be to keep the job but start applying for other help desk jobs. Oh the pay is decent, the work is whats killing me. Fast forward - after finishing my MBA , I immediately started working . I was a warehouse manager before i became an electrician and made pretty good coin, I just hated the environment. I feel like a glorified warehouse operative as I’m often moving pallets around as we don’t have the budget for staff. Maybe I should’ve just gotten a job back then. I spent the last half hour of my last shift crying because I was in so much pain. UPS Driver here. When you're young, you need to be in a job with plenty of guidance, training, support and friendly coworkers/bosses. Unless I go to the store and buy supports and I start the job, the job is automatically zip tied to the ceiling grid. . this works good for places that aren't chains. Yep. May 30, 2021 · Warehouse work is very demanding and can get quite miserable for different reasons. I still couldn't figure stuff out and I was running out of money so I got another 9-5 job with a different company. Don't think all recruiters are garbage. You do what you can. But over a 10 hour shift, that puts me at about 800 more cals per day. Whatever the reason, you’re stuck in a job you hate and it’s not possible to move on. keep trying!! something that helped me a lot with working at smaller local coffee shops is actually going to the coffee shop and bringing a physical resume. I was/am there too. It's such a tough environment to be in and I can't just let it roll off my back, or ignore the hurtful things people tell me. They are so greedy they must be forced to do the right thing under the law they are killing people and actually driving some to suicide, drug abuse and isolation. But I fucking didn't take a dime from someone. Or… No job is worth your health, both physically and mentally. I was taking lots of Extra Strength Tylenol and Advil. Everyone’s telling me I’m finally a Dr. The problem is that it is very difficult to properly judge your coworkers-to-be from a one day (one hour in some cases!) interview. I got a 9-5 job as soon as I left college and I stuck with it for 6 years, because hey, it was really good money. I knew immediately this was not a job I could work for an entire career. After the military I worked as a detention officer but I couldn’t continue working there due to the stress of the job literally killing me. The unload and loading positions just aren't sustainable these days unless you're doing it for just a couple hours. then maybe these companies will finally start doing the right thing. The pay is good as a casual basically between $26-29 thanks to different shift time loading and well I can sorta accept or deny my assignments but honestly haven't exercised much of my power since I am scared to let people down but the physical toll and early starts Just as a side note, I want to say that at my call center, we weren't given all the resources we'd need to do things efficiently. How pathetic is that. I had difficulty finding this job. You don't need your credit unless you're borrowing money, which is the last thing you should be doing right now. But i needed to work. I would look into warehouse jobs or machine shops if i was you. I'm finding it hard to leave because the team is great. I should have left that job years before the injury but it was the best paying job I’d eve Finally, I hit my breaking point. May 9, 2022 · If you’re one of the millions of people working at night—as a nurse, delivery driver, emergency medical responder, utility worker, warehouse associate, janitor, security guard, rideshare driver, or any other overnight role—you know your work is integral to keep your community running. It does get hot in there but they should have water fountains and fans everywhere, AC in the break rooms, and some locations even have a soda fountain with gatorade flavors in Don't really want to bring economics and politics into it, but because you brought it up. Your job sounds pretty tough, but I would really give it serious thought if you're considering anything contact-center related. The problem was that leaving these jobs did make me feel better. Im learning nothing because of this. I wish I could be more specific, but I'm sure most of you can relate. My job is stressing me out too. Its driving a forklift picking orders of siding and wood. My feet were killing me, my back was hurting, my forearms were bruised. Love this job but the combination of crappy shoes and concrete are killing me. to be honest though i don’t even know if i made the right choice because this job honestly feels worse but it pays more and i get to work an early shift My job has "Mandatory overtime", which we do get compensated for, but it's destroying my mental health completely. It actually worries me when you say the pain/soreness goes away immediately when you're not on the job. I needed a job so I just took retail and been there ever since on and off at different stores. I need money, but this is too much to ask of one person. crazy might be leaving the house with your underwear on your head. I find I am 100% better mentally since beginning the night shift and it also helps me to have the time I need to have with my family since my job has me working from 9:38 pm to 7:30am Mon-thur with Fri Sat Sun off and I think it's the constant routine of working the same days every week that really helps me be better off than someone who's Finding that personality fit is, to me, the single biggest criterion for a job.